...My life is great!!!
Ok, I'm not trying to brag. I mean, if you've talked to me recently, you probably know that in reality, my life has been kind of a living disaster lately.
Between the fiasco that is my love life and settling into becoming a real-life grownup, I've become pretty bitter and jaded over the past couple of weeks,...which is CRAZY!
I am not bitter, nor am I jaded.
I am Krista!
I'm happy.
Life is sunshine and smiles!
But lately, I've been understanding more and more why so many adults seem so angry all the time. I mean, if someone broke your heart and then stomped on it, wouldn't you be angry? And if you got glared at at your job all day, wouldn't you be angry? And if you don't even have any time to do anything else after you get home from your job, so you just have to go to bed, wouldn't you-- well,...all I'm saying is, people become jaded for a reason.
Life. is. hard.
But another thing that I've discovered is that being bitter and jaded is a lot of work! Too much work! It's exhausting! And my life is busy. I don't have any more time to devote to sleep. So, forget trying to conquer the exhaustion with sweet dreams. There's only one solution here, and that's to not be bitter anymore!
So, I woke up this morning, and to start off my non-bitter life, I got some coffee and realized,...

Ok. Maybe that's just the coffee talking. After all, that was the largest cup of coffee I think I have ever drank in my entire life. No, but really, there are so many things to celebrate, that there's absolutely no reason to be bitter.
I mean, I get to do things like dress up like a green pixie from another planet on a regular basis,...

And there's less than 54 days until Christmas!
Ok, it's official. I'm happy with my life. Just thought you all would like to know.
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