Like really. A lot. I don't think I could ever get bored of it. It truly is
a magical place. Every time I'm there I have countless moments where I'm either:
1) Ecstatically happy.
2) Exceedingly thankful.
3) Seriously inspired.
Anyways, the point is, when my parents announced that I was invited to go with them, Lindsay, Steven, Tony, and Brian on a road trip to Disneyland/USC, I was REALLY excited.
You know what? REALLY excited doesn't even begin to explain it. In fact, I don't think I can even put my excitement into suitable words.
You see, besides the fact that it's a trip to Disneyland with my wonderful family, this trip was also one that I wasn't sure would happen. Ok, I'm not sure that that really made any sense. Basically, what I'm trying to say can be best described in a bit of a story. About 2 years ago, I woke up one morning and realized that I might never go on vacation with my family ever again. Needless to say, I was sad and distressed. So distressed, in fact, that I proceeded to call my Mom and practically cry over the phone about that morning's realization. It was then that the good news came.
"Well, you know, Krista," my Mom said, "if we go on vacation in the near future, we'll probably take you with us." My Mom is so great. That was exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes, we just need someone to remind us of these seemingly obvious facts, so thank goodness for Moms :)
The moral of this story is that I was pumped! I love my family, I love going places, what could be better?
So, off we embarked on our road trip to the happiest place on Earth!

Besides the feet taking up residence next to my face, it was fun!
There were sandwiches...

And grapes...

And after several hours of powering it down the freeway, Lindsay, just having flown back from Japan, succumbed to sleep deprivation. Brian read her a thrilling bedtime story.

Soon, however, the company became very sparse.

So, I proceeded to join my parents in listening to one of the audio books that they chose for in-car entertainment. Here are just a few novels from the thrilling selection they brought along to accompany us for the 40+ hours we spent in the minivan:

Anyone see a theme here?
But the book that really took the cake was this little award-winning masterpiece...which was actually selected by none other than yours truly.

As if the horror stories weren't bad enough, we plagued ourselves with 6 hours of dating propaganda. Apparently, my problem with love so far is that I don't own a magical wedding dress, which, according to this book, is the key to finding your soul mate.
Yeah right. My question is, how did this possibly receive a #1 rating from the NY Times? All I can say is that there's gotta be some sort of politics or bribery going on in the Times' Book Review Department. Ridiculous.
Anyways, after spending an insane amount of time in the car, we finally made it to Redding, CA, Stop #1. Thank goodness, cause I was getting slightly tired of the mass-murder gore projecting from our car speakers. I mean, I'm not trying to complain. Roadtrips are fun. But let me just give you a taste of what we spent the first 10 and a half hours of our journey listening to.
Here's a little excerpt as I recall it: "I jammed my thumb into his eye…My thumb popped his eyeball sideways.
Blood spurted in all directions as I pushed my thumb in."
I knew every way to strangle, torture, and break someone's pinkie finger by the end of that book. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
Let me just say though, I don't care what your form of road trip entertainment is. You try riding in a minivan with 5 other people for upwards of 10 hours and then tell me how excited you are to get out of there.
We made it to our first stop, emphasis on
first. Yes, that's right, we still had another day of driving to go. Redding is no Disneyland, trust me.
But now, since it's late and I'm getting drowsy, I think now is a good time to pause in the Road Trip Saga. Stay tuned for Road Trip Day #2! I know you are all already waiting with baited breath to find out what happens next in the Gibbon family's most recent adventures!
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!
And don't hold your breath for too long.